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So far Errep has created 169 blog entries.

“The right fabric” Nuova Erreplast on RAI 3 channel in “Mezzogiorno Italia”

2021-03-08T11:14:14+00:00March 8th, 2021|News Events|

On the Saturday, March 6, 2021, in Mezzogiorno Italia, the program of Rai 3 dedicated to the excellence of Southern Italy, aired an interesting service, edited by journalist Pasquale Piscitelli, on the reconversion of Nuova Erreplast and the investments that the company has made in recent months to close the entire DPI chain [...]

Nuova Erreplast on TGR Mezzogiorno Italia

2021-03-04T08:51:56+00:00March 4th, 2021|News Events|

Saturday, March 6, during Mezzogiorno Italia, program dedicated to the excellence of the South of our country, aired on Rai 3, at 13:30, will air a service dedicated to Nuova Erreplast and our process of industrial conversion, through which it has been possible to realize a real Medical Polo. Good vision ... [...]

Buongiorno Sanremo interviews our CEO Domenico Raccioppoli

2021-03-04T09:04:00+00:00March 4th, 2021|News Events|

Sanremo 3 March 2021, our CEO Domenico Raccioppoli was interviewed by Veronica Maya during the program Buongiorno Sanremo, as part of the 71st edition of the Festival of Italian Song, being held in the City of Flowers. Starting from the partnership with Casa Sanremo, Raccioppoli spoke about the investments that have affected our [...]

Nuova Erreplast will be Technical Partner of Sanremo 2021

2021-03-02T11:41:07+00:00March 2nd, 2021|News Events|

La Nuova Erreplast di Marcianise sarà Technical Partner di Casa Sanremo 2021 Sanremo, 2 marzo 2021 - Quella di quest’anno sarà senza dubbio un’edizione “inedita” del Festival di Sanremo a causa dell’emergenza Covid-19 e delle restrizioni imposte dalle misure di prevenzione e contrasto alla diffusione della pandemia. La Nuova Erreplast, azienda del Gruppo [...]

A year later. How the Coronavirus changed us

2021-02-22T12:30:44+00:00February 22nd, 2021|News Events|

Attached to Corrieredellasera today, Monday, February 22, came out the special "A year later. How we changed the Coronavirus"... on pag. 4, in the article edited by Paolacacace spotlight on our investments in the production of PPE. CEO Domenico Raccioppoli explains to the readers of Corriere della Sera the exclusive features of our Medmask FFP2 [...]

TGR Campania interviews CEO Domenico Raccioppoli on Meltblown and the production of DPI.

2021-02-18T10:23:07+00:00February 18th, 2021|News Events|

The TGR Campania, which aired last night at 19:30 on Rai 3, dedicated to our company a beautiful service. Interviewed by journalist Pasquale Piscitelli, our CEO Domenico Raccioppoli explained how the Company has decided to cope with the emergency health, reconverting part of the productive activity for the realization of  DPI Mask and, [...]

New Erreplast, donated 5,000 FFP2 masks to the City of Naples

2021-02-09T11:32:17+00:00February 9th, 2021|News Events|

Il 4 febbraio 2021, gli Assessori del Comune di Napoli Alessandra Clemente, Rosa Galiero, Marco Gaudini, Lucia Francesca Menna, insieme al Consigliere Comunale Ciro Langella, hanno incontrato una delegazione della Nuova Erreplast, composta dalla dott.ssa Clelia Raccioppoli,  e dal dott. Gaetano Castaldo, in occasione della donazione di 5.000 mascherine FFP2 da parte dell'azienda del Gruppo Raccioppoli al [...]

Production of MELTBLOWN starts

2020-11-18T12:13:10+00:00November 18th, 2020|News Events|

We are glad to announce that due to the increasing interest NUOVA ERREPLAST has in Technology & Innovation, the Company decided to invest in the Meltblown’s production which will allow us to become one of the most respectful European meltblown supplier in the industry. Furthermore, NUOVA ERREPLAST has already started in July the production of [...]

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