The Nuova Erreplast’s CEO Domenico Raccioppoli explains on Rete 4 the market anomalies and certifications of Personal Protective Devices.
Tonight, starting from 21:20, on Rete 4, during the new episode of Fuori dal Coro, a very followed program of current events and in-depth analysis conducted by Mario Giordano, will be broadcast an interesting interview with Domenico Raccioppoli, which, in addition to denouncing the distortions of an “asymmetric” market that cuts the legs of Italian companies, will open the doors of Nuova Erreplast to the cameras of Fuori dal Coro, showing how, in the plant of Marcianise (CE) takes place production – from the raw material (the meltblown) up to the packaging – totally Made in Italy of the FFP2 mod. Medmask with Italian Eurofins certification.