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So far Errep has created 165 blog entries.

Nuova Erreplast exhibitions calendar Spring 2022

2022-04-05T11:03:01+00:00April 5th, 2022|News Events|

Our trade fair activity resumes at full speed in presence with a full calendar of events among the most important Italian exhibition halls... Take note and get to know our products and discover the novelties of the packaging industry. MARCA Bologna Private Label Conference and Exhibition * 12 to 13 April [...]

Nuova Erreplast becomes a «case» for a thesis…

2022-03-30T07:20:57+00:00March 30th, 2022|News Events|

Congratulazioni  Francesca per la tua laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale e per la Tua brillante tesi sul tema “Sostenibilità ed Economia Circolare: il caso Nuova Erreplast”!!!  Che questo traguardo sia per Te solo il primo di una lunga serie di ambiti e prestigiosi successi umani e professionali!!! Tutti noi siamo orgogliosi che l'impegno che hai profuso [...]

Print and Packaging enters the orbit of Nuova Erreplast

2022-03-30T07:21:20+00:00March 30th, 2022|News Events|

Marano Ticino, 14 marzo 2022 – La Società Nuova Erreplast, con sede a Marcianise (CE), tra i principali operatori nazionali nel settore degli imballaggi flessibili ed ecosostenibili, ha siglato un accordo finalizzato al perfezionamento dell’acquisizione del 100% delle quote della Società Print and Packaging s.r.l. , con stabilimento a Marano Ticino (NO), che [...]

Domenico Raccioppoli receives the Artis Suavitas Award 2021

2021-07-07T09:24:59+00:00July 7th, 2021|News Events|

My family is the first place where I learned to listen, to share joys and bitterness, to bear the burden of responsibility, to respect others and to help those in need. And it is thanks to my wonderful family that last June 30 I had the honor to go on stage set in the [...]

Disposable powder free Soft Touch Gloves

2021-06-21T11:13:58+00:00June 21st, 2021|News Events|

Soft touch gloves termaplus Poly prevent allergic reactions for both workers and customers. Made of polyethylene (LDPE) with 7.5/8 microns, do not release any unwanted chemical material and allow direct contact with food and other sensitive objects. An excellent alternative to the more expensive gloves made with other materials, Nitrag gloves are wearable [...]

Artis Suavitas Award: our CEO Domenico Raccioppoli among the absolute excellences of the business world.

2021-06-17T09:23:37+00:00June 16th, 2021|News Events|

The targeted investments and the efforts of our company in spreading the Culture of Sustainability have allowed us to obtain an authoritative recognition of international profile. In fact, yesterday, the Scientific Committee of the Artis Suavitas Award made official the names of the personalities who, on June 30, 2021, will be awarded in [...]

The Value of Sustainability between Art and Culture

2021-05-21T09:46:16+00:00May 21st, 2021|News Events|

Supporting cultural initiatives such as the Artis Suavitas Prize is an important opportunity for Nuova Erreplast to reflect on what is necessary to design, designing and doing to build a new culture of sustainability able to combine aspects such as quality of life, social inclusion and economic growth.

Nuova Erreplast on Rete4 in “Fuori dal Coro”

2021-04-06T08:06:43+00:00April 6th, 2021|News Events|

The Nuova Erreplast's CEO Domenico Raccioppoli explains on Rete 4 the market anomalies and certifications of Personal Protective Devices. Tonight, starting from 21:20, on Rete 4, during the new episode of Fuori dal Coro, a very followed program of current events and in-depth analysis conducted by Mario Giordano, will be broadcast an interesting [...]

“The right fabric” Nuova Erreplast on RAI 3 channel in “Mezzogiorno Italia”

2021-03-08T11:14:14+00:00March 8th, 2021|News Events|

On the Saturday, March 6, 2021, in Mezzogiorno Italia, the program of Rai 3 dedicated to the excellence of Southern Italy, aired an interesting service, edited by journalist Pasquale Piscitelli, on the reconversion of Nuova Erreplast and the investments that the company has made in recent months to close the entire DPI chain [...]

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