Press Release
New Erreplast and GeVi S.S. Napoli Basket bring sustainability to the basket
On November 30 starts from Chiaiano “Supersostenibili”
Environmental education project dedicated to primary schools
Naples, 28 November 2022 – Wednesday, 30 November 2022, the students of the Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni XXIII” of the Chiaiano district of Naples, will be involved in the project “I Supersostenibili”, organized by Nuova Erreplast, Campania-based company leader in the production of eco-sustainable packaging, which with the moral patronage of the Municipality of Naples and the precious collaboration of GeVi S.S. Napoli Basket, aims to educate future generations to environmental sustainability through a playful training course dedicated to the Institutes of Primary Schools.
During the meeting of 30 November, as part of the project “I Supersostenibili”, about 50 students, with the support of two educators experts of Nuova Erreplast, Gaetano Castaldo (Marketing Manager) and Antonella Marzocchella (Industrial Chemist) and the special participation of some members of the Technical Staff of GeVi Napoli Basket and two basketball players, will be involved in recreational activities on the theme of environmental protection, The European Commission is currently working on a proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the approximation of the laws of the Member States. Particular attention will be paid to daily habits related to the production and recycling of waste, to encourage actions and choices compatible. No less important objective will be to stimulate the creativity of children and their ability to create objects with waste materials.
Moreover, the students and teachers involved will be guests of Nuova Erreplast and GeVi Napoli Basket, Saturday 10 December 2022, at the PalaBarbuto in Naples, to attend the free home match against Aquila Basket Trento (Dolomiti Energia Trentino), Valid for the tenth day of the Regular Season of the Serie A Basketball League.
“As superheroes – says Dr. Gaetano Castaldo, Marketing Manager of Nuova Erreplast – we aim to bring children and families closer together, raising awareness of environmental sustainability issues, through the use and recycling of materials, focusing attention on the surprising and unsuspected “second lives” that plastic can have after proper treatment. Supersostenibili is a project that falls within the scope of a comprehensive social responsibility plan put in place by the New Erreplast, company that I have the honor to represent. I also thank GeVi Napoli Basket for the sensitivity shown and for the willingness to enhance our partnership with local initiatives”.
“Plastic – adds Antonella Marzocchella, Industrial Chemist of Nuova Erreplast – has been a cornerstone of my profession for fifteen years. During my training I met the “PP”, the famous Moplen who in the sixties revolutionized homes around the world. For children I will transform into Tottonella, the superheroine that prioritizes the use of plastic because it is the most sustainable and recyclable material and that will demonstrate how respect for the environment starts from the use, indeed the correct reuse of all materials, the plastic in primis”.
Statement by the President of Gevi Napoli Basket, Federico Grassi: “Our vision and corporate strategy are also aimed at protecting the environment around us by carrying out our work in an ethical and safe way, and above all aimed at efficient business management. We are proud to participate in this wonderful initiative promoted by Nuova Erreplast, a leading company in its sector in Campania, and involving schools. We congratulate those who work with timely policies and initiatives of environmental sustainability that always take place in the maximum protection of the environment”.
Nuova Erreplast, over 40 years of reliability
Founded in 1980 by Crescenzo Raccioppoli, over the years Nuova Erreplast has experienced a development and evolution that has transformed the company from a small family business into an industrial excellence of Southern Italy. A path of growth marked by important milestones that have led the New Erreplast to become a national point of reference in the production of sustainable packaging. Today, the company is led by Domenico Raccioppoli, a young manager with an entrepreneurial vision always focused on research and innovation that has allowed the creation of a hi-tech factory in the Industrial Zone of Marcianise (CE), where about 80 people work. Nuova Erreplast is devoting every effort to research and sustainable development in every business sector: products, investments, social and environmental ethical policies. Investing huge resources in improving environmental performance and spreading the culture of sustainability. In this regard, the company has set itself 5 goals for the future: Reduce emissions by 25% by 2025; Self-sufficiency in energy to 100% using hydrogen of its own production; Re-import polyester into the production cycle; Work in compliance with transparency and legality; Monitor business progress to be in line with the 2030 Agenda.