New Erreplast holds the footstep to the innovation in the world of the packaging
A reality that also involves our firm that of the doy-pack, the innovative form of packaging that allows the wrapping, once filled, to sustain in vertical position as a more common rigid wrapping. Compatible with any typology of liquid or solid product and for his/her ability to make the visible and practical product to expose, the doy-pack it results to be the preferred choice in every commercial circle, from that food to that of the cosmetic.
Conceived for reducing the logistic (you are thought that to parity of product contained by a rigid packing) costs the doy-pack it needs 75% plastic in less.
Personalizzabile, functional and to low environmental impact, they seem to be these the new characteristics that drive and they mark the new rout verse which sails the world of the packaging and New Erreplast it is on its way to travel in that sails direction explained.