“Investing successfully means anticipating the anticipations of others.”
(cit. John Maynard Keynes)
The courage and vision of CEO Domenico Raccioppoli continue to attract the attention of the national media.
On Sole24ore, in an article by journalist Vera Viola, spotlight on our investments and the brilliant results achieved in recent months, despite the serious crisis that grips the international economy.
Our medical center and our food packaging are now a flagship for the production system of Southern Italy.
The Company, Nuova Erreplast, located in the industrial area of Marcianise, Caserta, has started a significant industrial conversion: in the beginning of the November, the Company will have a ribbon cutting ceremony to introduce the new plant, which will be used for the production of the meltblown material, a filtering material necessary for the production of all personal protective equipment. So far, the material has been produced only in small quantities in Italy, and has not been produced in the Mezzogiorno area, which means that the majority of meltblown is necessarily imported from China.
The $5 million investment has started during the lockdown when there was a strong demand of masks compared to the usual limited offer.
The Raccioppoli Group, already present in Marcianise, along with a second Company who specializes in the production of packaging for the food and non-food industry as well as the fashion and clothing industry, decided to respond to the COVID-19 and convert part of the plant’s production to supply the strong demand of PPE-Personal Protection Equipment. Since June 2020, Nuova Erreplast has started the production of chirurgical masks and the FFP2 masks a little while after. In the first three months, Nuova Erreplast has reached the production of 5 million masks distributed in Italy. However, not content with the first experience, Nuova Erreplast’s top management decided to make a step forward by acquiring new technologies avoiding to import the meltblown filter material from China and producing it at home, for the market as well. According to Domenico Raccioppoli, CEO of Nuova Erreplast, We have purchased a Made in Italy extruder, built in the province of Varese, whose company produces and mostly exports their extruders. With the installation and consequent start-up of the new production lines, we will be the first raw material producers of PPE-Personal Protection Equipment in the Mezzogiorno area and among the few producers in Italy. This will allow us to produce material capable to make 1.8 million masks per day and to expand the reference markets.”
This investment also allows them to produce protective medical clothing, such as gowns, headphones, shoe covers, sheets, covers for greenhouse systems, diapers and absorbents, breathable membranes. In short, in a few months, while the crisis has brought the economy to its knees, hitting the industrial (fabric) network of the Mezzogiorno area hard, Raccioppoli has implemented a deep conversion and industrial transformation instead, allowing them to succeed in resisting the crisis and increase in growth. In 2019, Raccioppoli achieved a revenue of roughly 27 million, and in June 2020, they have achieved an increase of 10% compared to the previous year, which even strengthened with +15% at the end of September. This goal was mainly achieved thanks to the flexibility of the small Italian companies, but also thanks to the product innovations. One of the main innovation approaches will take place in the clear room where both the launch of the new extrudor and the entire production will be carried out.
Today Nuova Erreplast has a staff of about 80 employees and are shortly preparing to hire ten more people. The Raccioppoli Group is made up of four companies that cover the entire supply chain and will produce raw material to their finished goods and handle packaging, logistic and delivery.
Furthermore, another important investment has been made in the “historic” area, dedicated to food packaging: in this case, a new plant has been purchased and installed with a commitment of 2.5 million, which will allow a significant increase in the film’s production, reaching the total production capacity of 18 million linear meters printed per month. ©